Thursday 17 February 2011

What I learned today - a senior director at McKinsey & Company

Lessons from the speaker Herman De Bode, a senior director at McKinsey & Company

- Do what MOTIVATES yourself

- If you want others to do something, you should find what MOTIVATES them.

- If you want MONEY, go to IB or start your own company. Management consulting doesn't give you a big wealth.

- Evaluation: McKinsey & Company evaluates how HELPFUL you are to your colleagues. (That's the difference from other consultancies. If players play for their own interest, they cannot win)

- MERITOCRACY means...if you do something well, you'll be recognized for it.

- The key thing for a consultant is IMPACT on clients. Paper, logic, problem solving, whatever they are come later.

- What makes McKinsey: meritocracy, client impact, commitment to firm, and the culture of helping colleagues.

- If the billing is the only measurement for a CONSULTANT, then he's not a consultant but a SALES MAN.

- When working with a client, be sure that you have RESPECT and COMMIT to them.

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