Friday 18 February 2011

What I learned today - BT company trip & Innovation

BT Company trip
Went to BT Centre in London for a company trip. Although it was not enough to learn about its turnaround experience (from a troubled government org to a successful private enterprise), it was a good opportunity to look at how they make money and what they're preparing for. It is for sure that BT doesn't want to be left as a low-value pipeline provider.

Innovation (HBR's 10 Must Reads)
Don't: 1. Strategy: Hurdles too high, Scope too narrow.
          2. Process: Controls too tight
          3. Structure: Connections too loose, Separations too sharp
          4. Skill: Leadership too weak, Communication too poor

Do: 1. Strategy: Widen the search, broaden the scope.
       2. Process: Add flexibility to planning and control
       3. Structure: Facilitate close connections b/w innovators and mainstream managers
       4. Skill: Select for leadership, interpersonal skills, and collaborative culture.

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