Friday, 26 November 2010

Requirements of customer needs

Sometimes ...companies need to challenge the requirements of their customers in a constructive way. The idea of "exceeding customer expectations" might lead to an overly complex and costly value chain.

Cralos Cordon, Professofr at IMD
Financial times, Nov 25, 2010
True ... Some Korean companies make themselves overwhelmed by excessive customer needs without any benefits to them.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

HBR, a great source of intelligence

Sometimes I find it much more useful to read a Harvard Business Review article than taking a 3 hour face-to-face class. The time spent for each HBR article must have been much longer than that for preparation of a typical MBA class.
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Accounting & religion

"Accounting is a religion. Often times you just have to believe in it!"

- Financial Accounting professor at LBS, Nov 25, 2010
It's a bit exaggerated, but in overall I absolutely agree with him. There's no such thing as LOGIC in accounting.

L'oreal, a science company

L'oreal is basically a science company because it develops its products based on very scientific approach.
Whenever it enters new markets, it spends a huge amount of or resources - time, money, and human capital - to understand their new customers. In addition, it is operating several science labs which even deal with genetics.

- After the L'oreal executive speaker session at LBS, Nov 25, 2010

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Breaking the glass ceiling begins at home

The biggest reason that alpha women don't become CEOs is because they have made the common, yet fatal, error of marrying an alpha men.
- Lucy Kellaway, Financial Times, Nov 22, 2010
Unfamiliar but compelling argument.
Is it because Korean women like to marry more capable men than they are that it's hard to find successful female CEOs in Korea? Probably true...If Jung Mong-hun (the ex-chairman of the Hyundai Asan Group in Korea) had not passed away, his wife (Hyun Jung-eun) must not have become such CEO.

The off-the-wall executive: Financial Times, Nov 22, 2020

Here are a few good quotes from Mr. Franck Riboud, the outspoken head of the French food group, Danone.

"My inspiration comes from people, from going to places outside [the norm] and from having a balance in my life. It's good to surround yourself with people more intelligent - and different - from you."

"Diversity does not mean black or white, man or woman - it means the experience that you have had in your life. Is it different from that of the guy next to you?"

He had a big advantage over commoners because he succeeded his position from his father, ex-CEO of Danone. But I agree with his philosophy that inspiration comes from experience and people, rather than from books.

Three P's in career planning

You should consider three P's when choosing your job.

P: Purpose of the organization - Does it fit with you personal ones?
P: Principle of the organization - Do you feel comfortable with the way the organization runs?
P: People of the organization - Do you want to work with them?

Absolutely agree!

The art of decision making (by Zeger Degraeve, 21 Oct 2010)

All the problems, whether in business, government, or personal life, can be addressed with the ICACI approach.

I: Information - What information is necessary to make a sound decision?
C: Criteria - What criteria should be applied?
A: Alternatives - What alternatives do I have (or should I consider)?
C: Consequences - What are the consequences of the Alternatives?
I: Intuition - What does my intuition, the combination of my past experience and lesson, tells me?

I like this approach. It's simple, effective, and widely applicable.